How to make your salon business more eco-friendly & sustainable!

How to make your salon business more eco-friendly & sustainable!

With sustainability becoming more and more of a focus for businesses, we asked ourselves the question of how salon businesses can become more eco-friendly & sustainable.

We recognise many of our customers are already choosing sustainable values which is amazing to see such a positive change in the hair industry. But it can be tricky to know what initiatives to implement or even what changes you can make to achieve your sustainable goals.

With that in mind here are some of our favourite sustainable practices that you can implement!

Switching to Scrummi

Finding high-quality sustainable products for your salon can feel like a mission but we are here to tell you that we’ve found a solution. Scrummi is dedicated to helping salons and spas reduce their environmental impact by providing single-use, compostable products.

Did you know that “The typical salon can easily use up to 7,000kWhs of electricity every year” and that is if you are a smaller salon! By switching to Scrummi and reducing your laundry costs you could be saving $1,000’s on your laundry bill. This not only reduces the impact on your bills but on the planet.

Saving Energy

Besides switching to Scrummi there are other ways you could be saving on your energy bills that can help you save costs. If you don’t already have one speak to your energy provider about a smart meter so you can keep track of your energy costs. Alongside this try investing in energy-efficient light bulbs which is a great way to reduce energy wastage.

Turn your salons waste into recycling

We all know salons produce a lot of waste (no shame here).  However, there are a number of initiatives and companies that can help you recycle your salon waste. Luckily for us, our Essential Salon Towels are certified compostable by the EN13432 composability certifications from TÜV Austria.

Other ways to be more sustainable in your salon…

  • Use more products that are available in biodegradable or recyclable packaging.
  • Set up a recycling area for both clients and staff to recycle any rubbish.
  • Get in touch with your local council to see if they have any schemes that would help you to reduce any salon waste destined for the landfill site.
  • Opt to use vegan cleaning products within your salon.
  • Go paper free! If you need to use paper be sure to recycle when you’re finished with it!

We hope you found these tips helpful but don’t stress we understand that it is not always possible to have a sustainable solution for everything!

The more little steps we do collectively the closer we all become to being a more eco-friendly and sustainable industry!

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